A mother moose, making sure her calf safely climbs out of the river and up the bank. Powerful, positive, caring energy.
My daughters and I encountered this pair while stand-up paddle boarding. We gave them lots of space.
Holistic Self-Defense
Holistic self-defense is intended to increase personal safety, happiness, and physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Self-defense is so much more than learning how to fight off physical attackers. It is an attitude towards life that celebrates our self-determination as well as our connectedness with others.
Holistic self-defense starts with self-awareness. It requires determining our emotional, mental, and physical needs - in our families, with our life partners and friends, in our work, and in all our other environments.
It includes all aspects of our lives: how we take care of our bodies, of our emotional and mental well-being.
Holistic self-defense includes our nutrition, recreational habits, health-care, and whom we share our time and energy with. Holistic self-defense applies in all of our physical, mental, and emotional environments.
It includes determining honestly who and what replenishes us with positive energy and who and what syphons off our positive energy. This requires self-awareness.
It includes determining and setting healthy boundaries in all aspects of our lives. Holistic self-defense also includes seeking meaningful and caring relationships and connections with others.
Empowerment self-defense is rooted in and nurtures autonomy. It includes permission and encouragement for us to explore our essential needs and seek a life that allows us to flourish.
Effective training not only increases your self-defense options for physical attacks, it equips you to live your daily life, in all of its aspects, safer, more authentically, and more joyfully.
Transformation through self-defense training isn’t about having you change into a new person; it’s about realizing and uncovering your mental, emotional, and physical potential and living a truly joyful life.
Ultimately, holistic self-defense training creates awareness of the positive energy and powers you already have and what you can do to choose safety emotionally, mentally, and physically.